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March 18, 2015

Trailer Jupiter Ascending (2015) Channing Tatum, MIla Kunis Movie, Must Watch!!

The next project Andy and Lana Wachowski, Jupiter Ascending, seemed so ambitious in scope and great design like everything else you've done films in the past fifteen years; if your reach exceeds the scope, it has become a real concern even for the most ardent fans of the Wachowski. Trailers has served a variety of dazzling big enough science fiction and fantasy figurative; Unfortunately, after the news that the film has been delayed for almost seven months, signs currently point to Jupiter Ascending may be a hot mess, not the one who broke the mold of the epic Star Wars-ian.

The Wachowski recover some critical brightness that has been won since the matrix again in 2012, with kaleidoscopic, genre-mixing saga adaptation, Cloud Atlas (who co-directs Tom Tykwer); However, expensive project only received $ 27 million during its theatrical run in the United States, despite the $ 103 billion foreign keeps the film from being written off as a complete financial bomb. However, when the sequel, reboot the franchise, and / or reimagining properties tend to dominate the box office (when even Tom Cruise sci-fi thriller as the Edge of Tomorrow is not considered safe) bet, there are reasons to question the financial perspective Jupiter Ascending - with or without Good word of mouth on the side, that is.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that the concerns about the prospect of shaking the box office at least partly driven by Warner Bros. to move Jupiter Ascending distance between July 2014 and what should be the most competitive in February 2015. But the deadline, also reported that the film - starring Mila Kunis as seemingly ordinary human woman who is protected by the genetic improvement soldier (Channing Tatum) when external forces discovered that she was destined for things bigger - has been postponed to allow for a longer time post-production, visual effects films very complex $ 150 million could be better finished and polished to a shine.

Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis in 'Jupiter Ascending'
Warner Bros. has exchanged Liam Neeson action / thriller Run all night for Jupiter Ascending, as his new release on February 6 next year. Other titles scheduled for the opening day included Johnny Depp Mortdecai comedy capers and seventh child of the legendary film - the last big-budget fantasy based on the series of books Chronicles stone guard, like Jupiter Ascending, early delayed in part because of the need for more time to complete their visual own. There are certainly some overlap between Jupiter and the Son in the target demographic appeal goes, but it does not mean that couples can not coexist a little peace.

As mentioned earlier, a significant setback for Jupiter Ascending not bode well at all for the quality of the film, especially watching the news comes just a month and a half before the film is scheduled to hit theaters. That said, not all films that take place in significant delays eventually become I, Frankenstein; sometimes you get something that is more valuable as a remake of Robocop, which (like Jupiter) was originally supposed to arrive in the summer before he entered the February release date in place. As someone who generally enjoy a movie from the Wachowski brothers, I will continue to hope for the best - not to prepare for the worst.


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