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March 10, 2015

Joss Whedon: 'The Avengers 2' Will More Awesome Than Ever and SEE the Trailer !

HE Avengers: AGE OF ULTRON, the sequel to The Avengers Joss Whedon's work will soon appear in theaters in early May. Obviously the closer to the release date, the director increasingly shouldered pressure and heavy load. Not only because this sequel built on the first sequel ngehits, but also because of the increasingly high expectations of fans.
However, this pressure does not make it any less excited. Joss Whedon even behind the 'tease' fans. When found in the arena of SFX, he said that if a lot of scenes that have not been aired and will make you gape with awe.

"Some of them (the scene) is the bomb. Some are very lovely. The actors act perfectly, the plot exciting, amazing editor, and Ben Davis who took the picture, making it as a masterpiece. But more important is how all the characters play in it, their interaction is really cool, "he said.

For those of you who have watched the trailer three would definitely agree with what was said Joss. The trailer really present what we have never seen before. Gahar and must remain curious.

Although it could have been a blunder because of the high expectations of the fans of Marvel are known to be 'fierce', Joss seems no fear. He continues to give leakage, seepage of the last film in this MCU. Yes, Russo Brothers will replace tow The Avengers 3 & 4.

If the trailer is not how cool yesterday, can imagine how the actions of your favorite superheroes death at the beginning of May? Can not wait right want to know? Stay tuned here for updates news The latest Avengers. See you on 1 May 2015!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Lift Weak Side of The Superhero

Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner aka The Hulk character that will appear in the Avengers: Age of Ultron next year, recently revealed little story outline Marvel Studios superhero movie filmed it.

Reporting from Comic Book Movie, Monday (21/07/2014), the actor has revealed in the event San Diego Comic-Con last week, suggests to the audience that the sequel to The Avengers that will highlight the weak side of the superhero in the film.

To the pages of USA Today, Mark stated, "Joss Whedon is now in full force supreme. The film is much more extensive and epic than the first. They (the superhero) really is in an existential crisis, terrible."

"This film has a darker quality. The Avengers really struggling with their weakness and dissolution of SHIELD and where they go and what they really are in this world. There are a lot of negative opinion of them," he added.

Rows of six major players in the film The Avengers will reappear in Avengers: Age of Ultron. They are Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner.

`Avengers: Age of Ultron` scheduled to air on May 1, 2015 which continued with` Ant-Man` on July 17, 2015. Previously, the 'Guardians of the Galaxy` will be the first introduction on August 1, 2014.


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