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March 20, 2015

Smart Umbrella, No More Stories drenched in the Road

During the rainy season, the umbrella becomes important thing to carry. Unfortunately due to the rush, often even forget to take.

However, when using this single umbrella, you are free to forget. Because there is a bluetooth feature that will alert users when forgotten. This umbrella is made by startup from New York, Davek.

Quoted from Mashable, Friday (03/20/2015), the inventor Dave Kahng said many people in New York had to spend almost $ 100 because it is often missed or lost umbrella. Departing from there, he developed an umbrella that can be detected existence.

"We try to provide solutions so that they do not spend a lot of money just because of the umbrella," he said.

Kahng prefer using Bluetooth instead of GPS. The reason, the use of Bluetooth is much cheaper. He uses Bluetooth LE chip coin cell battery powered usual last up to 1-2 years.

In addition to the production cost reasons, Bluetooth election itself due Kahng not want to make a preventive solution search. "It's kind of a reminder rope dipayung but digital form," said Kahng.

This umbrella can be synchronized with Android and iOS devices. Davek also prepare an application that will monitor the distance between the smartphone and the umbrella.

It works like this, when the umbrella is more than 10 meters away from you. Instantly there was a message or notification will appear in the phone. As a result you will not forget it.

In the application also features weather forecasts. Well, when it is predicted to rain, you will be reminded to bring an umbrella in order not to get soaked in the street.

Another Story, World's First Smart Umbrella, With Features Weather Forecast
Smart phone, smart TV and smart watches sure you already know, then how smart umbrella? Recently, an umbrella product claimed to be the world's first smart umbrella, the umbrella named Kisha.

Obviously, as in the umbrella there is a Bluetooth connection can be connected to mobile phones (iOS and Android) and the umbrella features that deliver regular umbrella. And this is because of the purported umbrella umbrella umbrella pintar.kisha smart

Kisha has a feature that serves as a reminder, with the help of existing applications, users will be informed about the weather forecast, which the application will remind users to carry an umbrella if cuacan want to rain. And if users ignore the notification given and tried to leave the house without an umbrella, the application will automatically issue a notification back when the distance umbrella with phones already beyond the reach of the Bluetooth connection.

Additionally you do not have to worry if the umbrella left behind, because the umbrella will provide notifications to the phone if it is beyond the reach of the Bluetooth connection. So if lagging users will get a notification to memberitahukan.kisha umbrella pinta

Amazingly, the user can set up the location where Kisha not send notifications to not disturb users. For example, you could be setting up when I was at home for Kisha not send notifications.

To run apliakasi Bluetooth in it using a battery that is claimed to be used for 3-6 months. How, intending to have it? For the price itself umbrella Kisha sold for US $ 59.


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