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March 17, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence on Serena Movie

One might imagine that a movie starring Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper will be a big hit local theaters, but that's not the case with Serena. The film will be released in early February 26th iTunes and demand.

A month before the premiere on March 27, Serena will be available to watch at home via iTunes and on-demand services. This comes after nearly a dozen delays due to the film's director, and his efforts to create the "perfect edit."

In September it was reported that, "There is no re-recording or anything, it's just a real accurate editing because this story is about the decline of a woman crazy. And Susanne is a total perfectionist" Confirm new trailer later films :

Director of the film, Susanne Bier, Serena was filmed in the same time period that Lawrence and Cooper filmed Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. Both films were very popular, and made several appearances in the last two seasons for the award.

With two Oscar nominated actor, one would think that the wide distribution would not be an afterthought, but it seems that this study believe that the early release of the film through the menu.

Film Synopsis:. "Mountains of North Carolina in the late 1920s - George and Serena Pemberton, honey love, began to build a timber empire Serena soon proved himself to be the same as anyone. Supervisory wood, hunting rattlesnakes, even to save the life of a man in the desert With power and influence now in hand, Pembertons refuse to let anyone stand in the way of increased ambition and love. However, after passing Serena find hidden face of George and destiny changed from your account, wedding passion Pembertons' begins to unravel leading to a dramatic adjustment account ".

Jennifer Lawrence Love Location with Bradley Cooper?
Not long ago, the latest film from star Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence, was released. The film is titled Serena starring Lawrence and Bradley Cooper.

Reported Popsugar, Tuesday, March 24, 2015, both acting as a married couple. They look very harmonious growing rumors that involved both love the location.

On Saturday, March 20th, 2015, at the premiere of Serena, Lawrence came with Cooper. They are equally hilarious, laugh, and look ridiculous.

Seeing their compactness, invitees asked, "Why do you act very well as husband and wife?" "We do not know, which is certainly no marital relations scene in the film," said Lawrence.

For Lawrence, the pull of star American Sniper is not confusing place and the food is what he wants to eat. "We're both big eaters in Hollywood," he said.

Jennifer Lawrence became an actress who always highlighted this year, especially the news about her love. Lawrence often highlighted because of off-and-ties her with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin.


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