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March 15, 2015

Annunciation, in Moscow You Can Rent a Husband

Being a woman is not easy. They are required to be nimble figure and can perform various household activities. Even when she was living without a male escort, they must remain independent. Feel sorry for the women who are forced to carry out household chores alone, Moscow City Hall also has a fairly eccentric ideas. Because the Hall of Moscow intends to provide services "Hire husband" for an hour.

Moscow City Hall was hoping with the "husband so shit" can help women when doing household tasks commonly performed male. Andrei Besshtanko, employee of the Department of Social Protection of Moscow City Council, said that the service is provided free of charge for mothers of low income households.

"Under the new scheme of social services, the women can hire 'husbands' with hourly basis to help fix a leaky faucet or electrical installations," he said. While it is still in the planning stages of Moscow City Hall, several companies in the city it has served the same services and are very popular.

One of the companies that provide services that are Moscow Husband for an Hour. In its official website, the company services "lease husband" is pretty laughable write ads.

"You just shopping to the store to buy a lamp for the hall to fit your new decor. But you're a beautiful woman with manicured nails and you do not like the noise and vibration of the drill machine. Where would you ask for help in this case?" write sentences on the ad. "Do not worry! Moscow Husband for an Hour is not a friend in bed and do not break over the weekend! Please contact us and he will soon be home to you with a variety of equipment."

Meanwhile, this is not the first time the City Hall of Moscow offers services for household tasks. Previously, the City Hall of Moscow provides services for tasks such as cooking and taking care of the bed cover which is often done by women.


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