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April 02, 2015

Game Review : HELLDIVERS, Is it a clone of DOTA? Find Out the Answer!!

Helldivers is a rare game that knows exactly what to do, and do it with confidence and authority. Much more than just a twin-stick shooter, presented a very different sandboxes missions and tactical options, then respect enough to make us understand all this on our own or with three friends intelligence. The result is one of the white knuckle action co-op I've ever experienced.

From the opening cinematic, Helldivers wear influences on his sleeve Starship Troopers. Tongue in cheek, over-the-top manner ongoing war between foreigners and our home planet, Earth super configured, is a clear nod to the film by director Paul Verhoeven, and action lends a delicious sense of humor and danger. This is mostly shallow in issues of radical nationalism is never really explored, but springs jingoistic line space marine decent laugh anyway, I really draw a continuous war online Helldivers' despite meeting people I might start for all the wrong reasons.

It is questionable galaxy war fought on three fronts against heavy Illuminate technology, Cyborg fully armed, and error-esque Tyranids known only as ... bugs. Each faction brings a diverse set of units to have, which requires you to be adjusting their tactics or die a horrible death. Cyborg tote a lot of small-caliber firearms, body armor weight so nice option to ignore the shots that could otherwise put you in the ground. Do not forget to bring something to penetrate armor as well, or you spend most of their mission that lasted from a mixed group of tanks and large mechanical super-soldier. At the other end of the spectrum, failed to pack some extra ammunition for the weapon against insects usually fatal mistake because they like to get up close and personal.

Each party line feeds in this war Helldivers three fronts, with the main contributors of each front skilled immortalized by the ever present classification. When you and your fellow heroes to repeat the planet launch a successful mission, the war eventually spread to an alien planet, or your own if not enough people fight the good fight. Either situation leads to a specific time event where all the players are called to do the last attempt or a desperate last stand. It is an intelligent system that gives each mission a greater sense of purpose, not to mention the urgency login every day to do their part.

The real magic, though, is when you start to open up a large warehouse Helldivers' extras, weapons, upgrades and calldowns team called tactics. After more than 25 hours, I still do not get everything, and disposable anti-tank weapons, army weapons operators cover every piece of art was significant, because each end up being very useful for a particular purpose or against a particular enemy. Capture or defend the goal requires a sentinel tower, where a map of snow could tempt bring exo-suit or jump-pack to make your trip easier. You can only carry so much though, and adapt their loadout based on what your goals are and what their teammates are being taken is where Helldivers show much depth.

No matter what you bring to the fight, however, meaty sound effects Helldivers' convincingly convey the action, although the visual effect is so-so. Are you squeezing the last round of heavy machine guns, or full screen damage the enemy with artillery boomed, everything sounds powerful and deadly.

Lots of beautiful pieces of kit designed to facilitate cooperative play. Recoilless rifles, for example, is equipped with a separate power pack with extra ammunition. You can take yourself but recharge between shots would not be practical to use. Having a partner to bring supply package though, and you can walk up to you and throw in another shell in the blink of an eye. Details like this make a full party of four feels like a cohesive fighting unit in which every member is more powerful than they would alone. Drop-in co-op Helldivers' cause the formation of an easy game from the couch, online, or a mixture of both, which is fortunate, since going solo can be beneficial in itself, can only be achieved so far in itself.

The fact that almost all mortal, whether friend or foe, strained every mission. Pods drop in bringing fresh supplies of ammunition could be changed simply teammates to goo, or air strikes one place can do more harm than good. There are so core of material to go in, go prone to let teammates shoot safely past you, with the use of socket 90-degree angle to maximize the penetration of armor against enemy vehicles, and the cost of learning is almost always paid in blood - either your own or team. But when you and your team to fire on all cylinders to roll back the intense waves of enemies coming your way long enough to rise dramatically in the ship and made a narrow escape, a sense of positive achievement excited.


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