New Trailer 'Furious 7' It Reveals Action Car Skydiving, Tense!

Not inferior to The Avengers: Age of Ultron, who liked 'tease' fans through the release trailers, movie race most eagerly awaited this year, FURIOUS 7 also do the same.

Joss Whedon: 'The Avengers 2' Will More Awesome Than Ever and SEE the Trailer !

HE Avengers: AGE OF ULTRON, the sequel to The Avengers Joss Whedon's work will soon appear in theaters in early May.

Lyric - Rude - Magic !

Saturday morning jumped out of bed...

Boss of HTC quipped: Samsung Just Search Profit

Idris Moote had a tough job. This man has just been appointed as the Chief Marketing Officer of Global smartphone manufacturer HTC. It's nothing, HTC very tough opponent.

Schedule of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series 2015

NASCAR has just released the 2015 season calendar No venues / new circuits on the calendar in 2015 as expected fans over the years, but there are some adjustments and change the position of the race schedule for next season.

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June 06, 2015

Romeah Tawon Hari Pertama

Nama : Rinaldy Fachrizal Aminullah
Nim : 1701362241
Kelas : LB24

Roemah Tawon, tempat dimana anak anak bisa belajar dan bermain bersama, dimana tempat orang orang yang ingin melakukan kebaikan dengan mengajarkan mereka hal hal baru yang tidak mereka ketahui. disini, tempat para Volunteer menyalurkan seluruh kemampuan yang dimiliki untuk dibagikan kepada anak anak Roemah Tawon.

Hari pertama di Roemah Tawon, kami mahasiswa/i yang menjadi volunteer dari Universitas Bina Nusantara  diberikan kesempatan oleh kakak kakak pendiri di Roemah Tawon untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada anak anak. 

Kegiatan kami berawal dari tugas kampus yang terdapat didalam mata pelajaraan CB: Interpersonal Development yang mengharuskan semua mahasiswa/i nya melakukan kegiatasn sosial yaitu memberikan penyuluhan kepada anak anak diluar sana yang membutuhkan. lalu, kelompok kami mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melakukan penyuluhan diRoemah Tawon.

Hari pertama kami disanapun menyenangkan, tepatnya tanggal  05/04/2015 sore, kami datang lagi ke Roemah Tawon setelah minggu lalu nya kami menyerahkan proposal, disana kami membantu mengecat gapura depan Roemah Tawon bersama ka Faiz. berikut adalah dokumentasi dari pengerjaan kelompok kami :


seperti itulah kegiatan pertama kami di Roemah Tawon, kami datang sekitar pukul 4 sore dan selesai pada pukul 7 malam setelah kami semua sholat magrib berjamaah bersama anak anak Tawon dan kakak kakak lainnya yang ada di Roemah Tawon.


MUTIA NUR UTAMI                                   1701336975
ALDILA MUHAMMAD                                1701335202
DHIA RAMADHANI MUTONA                     1701334622
REZA FERDIAN                                        1701298680
DIMAS MUHAMMAD YUSRON                  1701372091

Copy from Mutia Nur Utami,

Roemah Tawon Hari Kedua

Nama : Rinaldy Fachrizal Aminullah
Nim : 1701362241
Kelas : LB24

Hari kedua di Roemah Tawon, tepatnya tanggal 15/04/2015 kami berkunjung lagi kesana untuk melakukan penyuluhan petama kami kepada anak anak di Roemah Tawon, disana tepatnya pukul 19.30 malam kami melakukan penyuluhan tentang cara membudidayakan bunga anggrek.

disana, kami mengajarkan kepada anak anak, manfaat bagi bunga anggrek, jenis jenis bunga anggrek, cara membudiyakan bunga anggrek, cara merawat bunga anggrek, dan lain lain. berikut kegiatan yang kami lakukan disana :


Seperti itulah kegiatan kedua kami di Roemah Tawon, setelah kami mengajarkan mereka cara membudiyakan bunga anggrek, mereka jadi mengetahui bagaimana menjaga agar bunga anggrek tetap segar dan hidup, serta bagaimana cara menghasilkan uang dari bunga anggrek.


MUTIA NUR UTAMI                                   1701336975
ALDILA MUHAMMAD                                1701335202
DHIA RAMADHANI MUTONA                     1701334622
REZA FERDIAN                                        1701298680
DIMAS MUHAMMAD YUSRON                  1701372091

Copy from Mutia Nur Utami,

Roemah Tawon Hari Ketiga

Nama : Rinaldy Fachrizal Aminullah
Nim : 1701362241
Kelas : LB24

Pertemuan Ketiga tanggal 13 mei 2015. pada pertemuan ketiga ini, kami mengajarkan anak anak Roemah Tawon bagaimana cara mendaur ulang sampah plastik, serta bagaimana cara memanfaatkan sampah yang masih bisa dipakai kembali. selama pertemuan ini, kami memberitahukan anak anak, bahwa benda benda bekas disekitar mereka dapat digunakan lagi ataupun dibuat kembali menjadi barang baru yang lebih unik.

setelah kami memberitahukan kepada mereka tentang sampah plastik, serta benda benda yang dapat didaur ulang, kami mengajak anak anak Roemah Tawon untuk membuat papper bag dari kertas yang tidak terpakai. 


seperti itulah kegiatan ketiga kami di Roemah Tawon, setelah kami mengjarkan mereka bagaimana mengolah sampah plastik serta benda benda bekas disekitar mereka, lalu mengajarkan mereka cara membuat papper bag, kami berharap mereka mampu menjadi lebih kreatif lagi kedepannya, dan dapat menghasilkan uang dari hal hal kecil disekitar mereka.


MUTIA NUR UTAMI                                   1701336975
ALDILA MUHAMMAD                                1701335202
DHIA RAMADHANI MUTONA                     1701334622
REZA FERDIAN                                        1701298680
DIMAS MUHAMMAD YUSRON                  1701372091

Copy from Mutia Nur Utami,

Roemah Tawon Hari Keempat

Nama : Rinaldy Fachrizal Aminullah
Nim : 1701362241
Kelas : LB24

Pertemuan keempat tanggal 27 mei 2015, pada pertemuan ini kelompok kami mengjarkan kepada anak anak bagaimana cara membangun sebuah cita cita menjadi sebuah pondasi bagi mereka.

kami berbagi pengetahuan kami kepada anak anak Roemah Tawon tentang pengetahuan seputar cita cita mereka, disesi ini kami menjadi wadah bagi mereka yang ingin mengetahui apa pengertian dari cita cita mereka, apa kelebihan dari cita cita mereka, bagaimana cara mereka mencapai cita cita mereka, dan banyak hal.

anak anak Roemah Tawon menjadi tahu apa yang harus mereka lakukan dengan cita cita mereka, sesungguhnya cita cita seperti apa yang mereka mau dan hal hal yang harus mereka capai agar mampu mencapai cita cita mereka.

seperti itulah kegitas keempat kami diRoemah Tawon, setelah kami menyampaikan pengertian serta pengetahuan tentang cita cita mereka, kami berharap anak anak Roemah Tawon menjadi memiliki pondasi untuk mencapai cita cita mereka serta mengatahui kelebihan dan kelemahan mereka, dan dapat belajar lebih giat lagi untuk mencapai cita cita mereka, serta memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk mencapainya.


MUTIA NUR UTAMI                                   1701336975
ALDILA MUHAMMAD                                1701335202
DHIA RAMADHANI MUTONA                     1701334622
REZA FERDIAN                                        1701298680
DIMAS MUHAMMAD YUSRON                  1701372091

Copy from Mutia Nur Utami,

April 20, 2015

Kate Middleton will soon Childbirth in Outer London?

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton's long wait will finally come to an end as well. Nine months of a baby in her belly, the wife of Prince William will soon give birth to her baby into the world. This is all the news that is eagerly awaited by many people.

After being rumored to be giving birth in the same hospital with his first delivery, she is now actually planning to leave London. Reported by the Daily Mail, the Duchess of Cambridge has prepared two hospitals other options.

What really happened to Kate will leave London at times of birth of the baby, who is in sight? Well, it turns out she would visit her parents in the area of ​​Bucklebury, Berkshire.

Distance home parents Kate with hospital St. Mary's which is located in Paddington, London spelled out very far. Reported, with a distance of 12 miles that she required more vigilant to find the nearest hospital for the second delivery process.

If this is true, the second son of Kate and William is really going to make a new history. In the past 85 years, no member of the British royal family who were born outside of London.

Well, before she had reportedly will get 10% discount for having given birth at the same place with the birth of his first son, George Alexander Louis. Will she give birth outside London this time?

Hospital Has Prepare Second Birth Kate Middleton Since Monday
Not only royal, who is busy with preparations to welcome second child of Kate Middleton and Prince William. Hospital where the princess was going to give birth already started preparations since Monday (13/4).

Kate will be re-birth in the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London. Quoted from the Mirror, Tuesday (14/04/2015) The first step taken by the hospital is doing a parking ban.

In the near future, a special place for the reporters and photographers from around the world will begin to be determined and marked. This is done so that when the day of birth, which is expected to fall to 25 or 26 April, can run smoothly without any commotion.

But until now, the kingdom unfortunately still do not want to tell the sex of the baby in her womb. Brother of George the future, will be in fourth place throne, Prince Harry making positions retreated to fifth.

"Kate Middleton and Prince William, very grateful for the prayers they have received from all over the UK and of course the people around the world over the past few months. It is very meaningful for Kate and William as many who celebrate an important moment for their families this, "said one of the representatives of the palace some time ago

April 19, 2015

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April 02, 2015

Game Review : HELLDIVERS, Is it a clone of DOTA? Find Out the Answer!!

Helldivers is a rare game that knows exactly what to do, and do it with confidence and authority. Much more than just a twin-stick shooter, presented a very different sandboxes missions and tactical options, then respect enough to make us understand all this on our own or with three friends intelligence. The result is one of the white knuckle action co-op I've ever experienced.

From the opening cinematic, Helldivers wear influences on his sleeve Starship Troopers. Tongue in cheek, over-the-top manner ongoing war between foreigners and our home planet, Earth super configured, is a clear nod to the film by director Paul Verhoeven, and action lends a delicious sense of humor and danger. This is mostly shallow in issues of radical nationalism is never really explored, but springs jingoistic line space marine decent laugh anyway, I really draw a continuous war online Helldivers' despite meeting people I might start for all the wrong reasons.

It is questionable galaxy war fought on three fronts against heavy Illuminate technology, Cyborg fully armed, and error-esque Tyranids known only as ... bugs. Each faction brings a diverse set of units to have, which requires you to be adjusting their tactics or die a horrible death. Cyborg tote a lot of small-caliber firearms, body armor weight so nice option to ignore the shots that could otherwise put you in the ground. Do not forget to bring something to penetrate armor as well, or you spend most of their mission that lasted from a mixed group of tanks and large mechanical super-soldier. At the other end of the spectrum, failed to pack some extra ammunition for the weapon against insects usually fatal mistake because they like to get up close and personal.

Each party line feeds in this war Helldivers three fronts, with the main contributors of each front skilled immortalized by the ever present classification. When you and your fellow heroes to repeat the planet launch a successful mission, the war eventually spread to an alien planet, or your own if not enough people fight the good fight. Either situation leads to a specific time event where all the players are called to do the last attempt or a desperate last stand. It is an intelligent system that gives each mission a greater sense of purpose, not to mention the urgency login every day to do their part.

The real magic, though, is when you start to open up a large warehouse Helldivers' extras, weapons, upgrades and calldowns team called tactics. After more than 25 hours, I still do not get everything, and disposable anti-tank weapons, army weapons operators cover every piece of art was significant, because each end up being very useful for a particular purpose or against a particular enemy. Capture or defend the goal requires a sentinel tower, where a map of snow could tempt bring exo-suit or jump-pack to make your trip easier. You can only carry so much though, and adapt their loadout based on what your goals are and what their teammates are being taken is where Helldivers show much depth.

No matter what you bring to the fight, however, meaty sound effects Helldivers' convincingly convey the action, although the visual effect is so-so. Are you squeezing the last round of heavy machine guns, or full screen damage the enemy with artillery boomed, everything sounds powerful and deadly.

Lots of beautiful pieces of kit designed to facilitate cooperative play. Recoilless rifles, for example, is equipped with a separate power pack with extra ammunition. You can take yourself but recharge between shots would not be practical to use. Having a partner to bring supply package though, and you can walk up to you and throw in another shell in the blink of an eye. Details like this make a full party of four feels like a cohesive fighting unit in which every member is more powerful than they would alone. Drop-in co-op Helldivers' cause the formation of an easy game from the couch, online, or a mixture of both, which is fortunate, since going solo can be beneficial in itself, can only be achieved so far in itself.

The fact that almost all mortal, whether friend or foe, strained every mission. Pods drop in bringing fresh supplies of ammunition could be changed simply teammates to goo, or air strikes one place can do more harm than good. There are so core of material to go in, go prone to let teammates shoot safely past you, with the use of socket 90-degree angle to maximize the penetration of armor against enemy vehicles, and the cost of learning is almost always paid in blood - either your own or team. But when you and your team to fire on all cylinders to roll back the intense waves of enemies coming your way long enough to rise dramatically in the ship and made a narrow escape, a sense of positive achievement excited.

Hideo Kojima Join Microsoft, "Metal Gear Solid" Exclusive Xbox Games

Mid March 2015 Yesterday we were surprised to hear if there is a problem Tenggah Konami, which causes the elimination of the presence of Hideo Kojima and his team step, Kojima Productions of all the products that smell Metal Gear Solid true. Despite the growing news is still unclear, but today comes news that seems to further clarify the sequence of events. Metal Gear series creator Hideo Kojima Konami reportedly went after he finished Metal Gear Solid V: Pain ghost, and will be accompanied by Microsoft Game Studios. Seems to intrigue is the case today, not just a matter of communication, yes.

Previously rumored Kojima even limited movement, such as senior spy against the employer and must be stripped of all their hits. Kojima has stated if the speed limit in the middle Konami, the company does not have access to the Internet, email, and communication. His name has also been removed from some of the media campaign of Metal Gear Solid V, and intrigue amid a trigger Konami Konami make drastic changes, including Metal Gear team work situation. Some senior officials Konami change status only hire employees, employees remain open.

Xbox Games Hideo Kojima-Microsoft-1
However, the merger news Kojima with Microsoft that would give new hope for the Xbox gaming platform, the latter only get Metal Gear Solid, because always appear on your Sony platforms. The release of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground zero (complete with a special mission platform Xbox) and its sequel, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain also corroborate this story when the Microsoft platform is now a second platform Kojima eye (phantom pain even on the Microsoft platform, PC , X360 and also Xone).

Perhaps many IPs bound by Konami Kojima, Metal Gear Solid can be difficult to follow, but with a name that is so legendary Kojima, which could create a new Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hills or the other, under the umbrella of Microsoft Game Studios. In addition, the proximity Kojima with famous movie director Guillermo del Toro could easily help create a new IP that is not related to the game series that has been synonymous with Kojima.

Now we just hope that the new IP Kojima then worked with Microsoft Studios maximize the power of the Xbox platform, and obtained exclusive rights. And now your Xbox players can also expect 15 games so far belong to the Xbox Xbox One, such as halo series, Gears of War, Fable Legends, Crackdown 3, to the new IP Quantum Break and Scalebound.

Do you believe this article? why you so serious? its April fools article!

March 27, 2015

Profile: Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik
Zain "Zayn" Javadd Malik  (born January 12, 1993) is a part member of One Direction with Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and. On March 25, 2015 confirmed via Facebook that Zayn had decided to leave the band because he wanted to live a "normal life of 22 years." The band, but continued without Zayn.

Early life

Zayn Malik was born in West Lane Baildon, Bradford, England. He is English and Pakistani descent. Born a British-Pakistani father Yaser Malik and English mother Patricia. She has an older sister, Doniya, and two younger sisters, Waliyha and Safaa. Zayn Malik and his family are Muslims, Zayn grew up in East Bowling, located south of the center of Bradford. Zayn Malik is a student at low Fields Primary School in East Bowling and went to High School Tong , a state comprehensive school.

Music career

See also: History of One Direction
In 2010, when Zayn Malik was 17 years old, he auditioned in Manchester for the seventh series of The X Factor.

Zayn during the X Factor auditions. Zayn Malik sings "Let Me Love You" by Mario. The three judges - Nicole, Simon and Louis   - he "yes" is given. His hearing was not initially released, but then shown on The Xtra Factor.

Zayn stood to be nervous in bootcamp. When told he had to dance, he decided to remain backstage, effectively running the risk of elimination. When Simon realized Zayn missing from the dance routine, Zayn Malik went behind the scenes to convince him to come back. Then, Zayn said was a lack of confidence that made him flee.

After The X Factor, One Direction signed a recording contract with Sony Music subsidiary Syco Music. They released their album, Up All Night. A few years later, February 29, 2012, One Direction Zayn left turns back to England and being with his family because of the death of a family member.

On March 25, 2015, One Direction Facebook announced in a statement that Malik had departed from one direction.

Personal Life

Zayn smokes cigarettes. At the end of 2011, it was announced that a new year's resolution is to quit. However, Zayn Malik was photographed in 2012 was still smoking. Zayn stopped smoking since early 2013.

In late May 2014, video - recorded in April - on the phone in your members bandmate Louis Tomlinson was leaked by the Daily Mail, revealed two children along with other members of his management team marijuana smoke Peru. The footage also shows Zayn insult merchandise, show that both they and the fans are tired of the relevant facts as "favorite color blue". Liam took to Twitter to apologize for the behavior of the children, explaining that his young age makes them make mistakes.


Parents Zayn are still together. Zayn has three sisters and a dog named Boris.

Geneva Lane

Zayn dated fellow contestant X Fa ctor Geneva Lane briefly in 2010. At that time, I was 17 years old and he was 20. They grew close during their time in the program. However, because of the strict prohibition against Simon Cowell contestants dating, denied that there is a relationship. At the end of the seventh season, which ultimately expressed as a partner when the camera captures a kiss. Zayn was later confirmed on Twitter that they were together. After the break, Geneva said, "Zayn is a broken heart. When I found out I saw Rebecca I felt numb." In an interview in November 2011, Geneva Lane and Zayn still friends, but do not talk much because of his busy schedule.

Rebecca Ferguson

In 2011, Zayn started dating on the seventh season of X Factor runner-up Rebecca Ferguson when Zayn Malik was 18 years old and she was 24. Their relationship has attracted media attention because of differences in the age of six years. They met when The X Factor, but Rebecca said: ". It took a while before we looked at each other in a different light There is a certain time, it just evolved over time." Zayn is Rebecca pursued. The relationship ended after four months in July 2011 with Rebecca shows at the time, "Me and Zayn just grew apart. I wish you all the best." However, in an interview in October 2012, Zayn Malik opened in a relationship saying, "I should not be the case that only one idea from the start I ended very badly, so do not talk much we do not ... contact at all." Since then, Rebecca has been mentioned several times that Zayn was unfaithful.

Perrie Edwards

Zayn is currently devoted to Perrie Edwards winner of the eighth season of X Factor's Little Mix. They met when One Direction performed on the eighth season of The X Factor. Rumor has it out, but both denied in a relationship. In May 2012 the rumor appears to be true when the paparazzi take pictures kissing and riding a scooter. In an interview that aired today on May 30, 2012, Zayn confirmed to have a boyfriend. On August 18, 2013, after a weekend together, Zayn proposed. Zayn Malik showed three diamond ring for the first time One Direction 's This Is Us premiere in London. Perrie mother commits to a radio station and Zayn spokesman confirmed that they indeed do, but every personal data will not be released. Zayn Malik revealed to fans at the soundcheck at the foot of Australia Take Me Home Tour set before both parents and Perrie them in their backyard during the specially created "Movie Night Outdoors"

Read Also:

March 23, 2015

Zayn Malik Reportedly Cheating, Perrie Edwards ran away?

Recently, the public was shocked by the news that says the handsome singer, Zayn Malik cheating on his fiancee. Rumor itself appears after a cuddle middle Zayn photo intimate with a woman while in Thailand circulated widely.

Zayn who feel aggrieved by the news that could catapult a sentence stating his love for Perrie Edwards. One Direction's frontman even left a series of tours to be able to meet with Perrie in London.

Thousand pities, Perrie found to leave the house which has been the place they live. In a photo caught by paparazzi cameras, it looks beautiful woman carrying a large bag and into the cab.


Of course this makes the public wonder if the two are no longer in a relationship. If it were true then certainly a lot of fans who feel disappointed.

But, there is good news. At that time Perrie was seen wearing an engagement ring gift from Zayn. Together with two other rings, fingers look very cute and elegant.

Until this news was revealed, there has been no confirmation about Perrie's departure just before dawn on Friday (20/3) then. Well, we pray just hope their relationship is fine.

Here's Proof That Zayn Malik Really Cheating

Some time ago, the relationship Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards reportedly is on the horns. It is not because Zayn caught cheating while in Thailand. After a mengelaknya, now comes a new fact.
Reported by the Daily Mail, there was a woman who claimed to be a former mistresses One Direction's personnel. Who is she? He, Martina Olsson, a Swedish model who reportedly had an affair with Zayn when his tour together One Direction in Thailand.

Through an interview with The Sun On Sunday, Martina admitted if he did not know if Zayn has had a fiance. He delivered if Zayn attempted to seduce him and begged for a shared bathroom.

"He (Zayn) really flirty. When we were in the bathroom, he started to kiss me. He lifted me and said 'I want you now', and then took me to the bed," he said.

Of course, Martina could not resist. He claimed only know if Zayn is handsome and popular guy in the world, not someone who already had a fiance who is getting married. But the surprising thing is not just stop there.

After spending time with him, Martina deliver if Zayn actually turned into a woman named Lauren Richardson.

March 21, 2015

Full Features and Specification & Galaxy S6 Edge

Substitute thin, the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 curved screen Galaxy Edge, finally get rid of the accumulated plastic utilitarian and removable battery of Samsung's flagship phone before. They come to the party dressed in a sharp metal line of smartphones and lots of glass.

Both new phones almost the same - both running Android 5.0 Lollipop with a 5.1-inch high-resolution screen. But Galaxy S6 Edge compete for attention with two curved edges of glass, each wrapped in a long side the phone with a smooth, easy to read screen.

Samsung launches fraternal twins during a press conference at Mobile World Congress, the annual exhibition here in Spain which has become arguably the most important global showcase for smartphones. And when the phone will not be available worldwide until April 10, S6 and S6 Edge galaxies must succeed, and fast.


Galaxy S6 Edge: Hands-on with Samsung's smartphone screen round
Samsung Galaxy S6: How was designed (ZDNet)
S6 Galaxy vs HTC One M9 vs LG G Flex 2
The phone is forged in the financial struggle container Samsung as the company struggled to gain mobile phone with the latest models of the Apple iPhone and megasuccessful army "good enough" cheap rival manufacturer based in China, such as Lenovo, Xiaomi and Huawei.

Some of the new features S6 - Luxury metal design, fingerprint scanner updated - catch up with the iPhone 6, which, last year, persecuted pioneers widescreen Samsung phone. Samsung even the press used to announce Apple's competitors will be released on mobile payments called S6 - wait! - Samsung Pay.

Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge: Can you distinguish between the two?

Other improvements require compensation uncomfortable. S6 and S6 tip of the lack of a removable battery and a slot for a microSD card, not to mention the Galaxy S5 examination. Meanwhile, the band curved screen which makes the border Edge do so little compared to the screen Edge Note that it is difficult to justify their existence that gives you something to do with the curved edge. And Samsung's own Exynos processor untested (compared with Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 is found in most high-end Android rivals) is a wildcard performance. (We will prove that when we write a full review of our future.)

That said, new models of galaxy S6 set some of their own Android trends. Both provide integrated wireless charging support and compatibility with the new version of virtual reality VR accessories Arts - two features that you will not find on the iPhone. And with the new design mobile phone S6 ', Samsung has discussed the critical effect Galaxy S5 2014, seen by many people as excited doppelganger 2013 Galaxy S4.

Couple new phone has the appearance and characteristics of a proud flagship phone, but it is too early to know whether it is sufficient to reverse the sagging sales of Samsung smartphones - or dent the iPhone 6 and staggering income 6 Plus'.

Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge: Two devices, family

First things first. Samsung has built two mobile marquee: the straight, rectangular suspected Galaxy S6, S6 and Galaxy Edge, which has a slightly rounded right and left. Pairing is a model of the Galaxy Note 4 Notes and duo Edge.

For the most part, the two share the exact same specifications, with only a few minor differences in size and battery life. I will show the difference; otherwise, this print is applied to both models.

Metal and glass; plastic convicted
With a matte alloy frame and Gorilla Glass 4 aluminum front and rear, separate living world S6 and S6 Edge of plastic building five generations of ships Galaxy badge. It is obvious that this is a different animal, and one that fans have been clamoring for years.

Samsung did not get here overnight. Note 4 and midrange metal frame and offered Galaxy Galaxy Alfa A5 focused on youth and A3 has a metal chassis.

Let's talk about how. Both phones have a pill form S6 Samsung, with a round ass and tops and straight sides. The power button is located on the right column; in S6, that side is also equipped with a slot for nano-SIM card that appears at the top to S6 Edge. Both port and headphone jack mobile homes below, and a separate button on the left waist cargo volume micro-USB.

A home center button, metal ring connecting two capacitive buttons for calling recents and back. At the top, the light beam IR Blaster for people who want to use their phones as a television remote control.

At the rear, there is a 16 megapixel camera (same as footnote 4), and LED flash functions as a sensor to monitor your heart rate.

Now for the test. Edge noticeably thinner than the S6 at its thinnest point, though state specifications thick hair on your chubbiest.


Galaxy Galaxy                                       S6                                        S6 Edge
Dimensions (inches)                    5.6 x 2.8 x 0.27                         5.6 x 2.8 0.28
Dimensions (mm)                        143.4 x 70.5 x                      142.1 x 70.1 x 6.8 7.0
Weight (oz)                                          4.9                                             4.6
Weight (g)                                           138                                            132

This phone feels thin, liquid hand. S6 tip narrowed on the right bank and left on the screen curvature arch to meet again. As Edge Note, S6 tip reaching equilibrium despite the sharp shape.

Although the colors are quite serious - both models also come in white gold platinum pearl sapphire and black - Samsung injected a shot of color in the lineup. S6 straight side also received blue topaz, while Edge S6 failed emerald green. Flashing highly reflective back surface color and light. Samsung says this is to add depth and warmth, but the skeptic in me thinks this could be the head of the visual rock reflects annoying.

Some negatives: the camera stand out a bit from the back, some do not like, and glass surface also became best galleries fingerprint smudges.

Screen size stasis

S6 and S6 Edge remained stable at last year, 5.1 inches. It was a good decision because the larger phone will invade the area phablet - and Samsung already offer excellent options in the Galaxy Note with 5.7 4-inch screen.

It's a good thing that Samsung makes S6 size in check.
Although Samsung has not beaten size has increased the resolution of 2,560x1,440 pixels AMOLED screen with a density of 577 ppi, is currently the best on the market. Now comes the inevitable question: can the human eye really appreciate the finer details and higher resolution is worth the possible impact on battery life? Let's try both when we have more time with your phone.


Win Hardware and disorders

Exynos at Qualcomm: Why Samsung chose its own chipset (Samsung did not share what) at Qualcomm Snapdragon 810, especially after years of collaboration between the two companies? Samsung is not going to say, but it is a fair assumption that keeping things in the house also produces more reliable pipe manufacturing margins and better in its own chip octa-core 64-bit her. Seeing how do Exynos models compared with Snapdragon - the latter is basically a new standard for non-Apple superphones - it's something we want to try.

Battery Built: S6 device that completely covered, so you will not be able to change the battery. Compensation potentially larger (and longer life) mobile phone battery size.

There is no microSD card: Samsung eliminate these basic features for maximum thinness. However, it also has raised the standard 32GB, 64GB and 128 GB of internal storage models are also available. Samsung will also launch in Microsoft OneDrive 115GB of free storage for two years, claiming that people are increasingly using cloud storage today.

Camera Quick Start: This is a great day. Double-click the Start button to start the camera application in less than a second, and from any screen. This works perfectly for my show.

Intelligent scanning fingerprint: Lock the same house now equipped to read your fingerprint when resting on the button. Previously, you had to slide, which often do not produce an accurate reading. I can not test this.

Wireless Charging: The Edge S6 and S6 have integrated wireless charging, using standard WPC and PMA (including Qi). Samsung will sell its own charging pads, but the phone S6 compatible with some other shoes as well. You should be able to exceed 20 percent of the battery in half an hour.

Quick-Load: Support for the quick charge function is equipped with Exynos chip, which Samsung says will deliver a load of 30 percent in about 30 minutes. In addition, the phone works fast Qualcomm 2.0 load charger (charger such as note 4).

No waterproofing: Unlike the Galaxy S5, S6 is IP67 or waterproof. Samsung Answer: Waterproofing is not part of the S6 "history". It's a good guess that we will have a water test "Galaxy S6 Active" or other resistant variants later this year, such as the Galaxy S5 and S5 Sports Active.

Camera movement

A 16 megapixel camera protrudes slightly back of the phone, use the same resolution as we see in Note 4. From this phone uses a different chip, it will be interesting to see whether the internal make a mark in picture quality. The lens itself receive updates on S5, f / 1.9, f / 2.2 rear camera S5.
You can take this camera selfies 16 megapixels, which also features optical image stabilization.

S6 and S6 tip into the second phone to include optical image stabilization (after Note 4 and Note Edge). A new auto-HDR feature means that you will not stop improving certain scenes, such as landscapes. Similarly, it will automatically adjust white balance, too.

At the front, a 5-megapixel shooter Samsung install selfies wide angle, promising better pictures in low light. Such Note 4, can trigger Self-timer touch sensors on the back of the phone, and can activate a shooting mode that will take self-portraits rear camera phones.

Let us try to picture quality when we have more time with the device, but the self-shot we took in during our briefing looks promising

Mobile Payments front

Configuring the fingerprint reader Increase Samsung Mobile Payment Technology LoopPay using newly acquired. Samsung launches Samsung NO payment as is known, until this summer, and it is unclear where the market will be close to surpass the US .. What do we know how it will work, but sin - Here is trained Samsung Pay.


Everything else

Battery S6 Tumi has a 2,550mAh power, with the tip S6 get more capacity 2,600mAh bit. On paper, which is less than 2,800mAh found in the Galaxy S5 2014, but we'll see if the new CPU (and Android 5.0 Lollipop) offers some efficiency.

If you can point contains some details of hardware, RAM 3GB Phone S6 will, but there is no word on determining the GPU.

Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge utilize METAL and glass.

There NFC and Bluetooth 4.1 connectivity with support for low power consumption, which means that the new Galaxy Phones work with all types of contact Payments sin, streaming audio, touch-to-peer, and all other standard features you would expect in a stream of Principal Android phones . (As a reminder, the iPhone 6.6 Plus is compatible NFC Limited to pay Apple, and no more.)

S6 end brings a little, not a lot

S6 tip that one of THEM, more than the amount of the part-Design, which is a shame that Samsung does NOT make this his only Badges Phone.

Real nervous you add some additional features, and show the touchscreen Samsung Achievement in Creating rounded on both sides. However, their characteristics Child minutes ago climbs a very special appearance Note Edge (round only on the right side), to the point where they do not do much at all unless you are And nothing to do with the rounded part of the screen. Children Note that the slope is more than warm-hearted right road Alone note End of September.

Until you call it, the screen tip is removed from view. Although not limited anymore. Double curve in S6 significant tip that left-handers can access the edge of the screen to the left, too.

So what do you get? Night mode, which I love, and that the soft block hours during the darkest hours. Email, text and phone call notifications, which could be better because you can see the rest of the message throughout the phone. Then there's a brand new concept: five contacts whose name matches one color. When you call or text (and the phone is switched on his stomach), the edges will shine your color according weak.

A common assumption, you can cover the sensor Phone (hereinafter Quick House) to Send to a prerecorded you'll Call or text your contact New Message.

You can adjust the screen edge.
In Spite promise Samsung to innovate "significant" This kid could be extra dangerous fun, but only Son important - especially since you can not choose to be notified of any application screen tip that you want.

Without additional support from the developer, rounded side of S6 feels very similar tip A curved screen Samsung TV: A treatment that offers an attractive design aesthetics, but little or no functional improvement.

Price and Availability

Look for Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge hit some areas from 10 April price is still in the air, but the operators and retailers to build individually. Wait S6 will cost about the same as the S5 and S6 for Bank A Couple game over.

US PR team together Samsung will sell the major US airlines (AT & T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon) and Cricket and US Cellular. Network UK is still to be announced, and the only red from Australia to confirm availability is Virgin Mobile.

Outlook: Mostly sunny, with a few clouds

Samsung Phones symbol is not bad. NO Child perfect and not everyone likes, but generally reliable Son and filled with high performance hardware. As he's seen so far, Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge make proud, especially since the most terrible complaints about PLASTIC corrected comprador accumulate material and also a lot of software applications and features Samsung.

With intermittent color and METAL Phones, Samsung Saltan sartorially S5 S6 outside last year. Fans suspect battery and microSD card slot removable throw their arms in the Rebellion counter Built absent battery and expandable memory ... and I think he will get better. These physical characteristics Children are now more the exception than the rule these days, and larger storage options Calmar definitely bite.

Unique brand I Asker right in the air over the processor and battery life. The first is a problem because the details of the new Exynos chip capabilities and Child rare because we have not tested side by side with 810 Snapdragon chipset phones Fly premium look very high. And the battery life is still the holy grail of smartphones, but most of them seem almost through the day before redlining.

We will keep you updated with more hands-on Impressions sustained as the Mobile World Congress. Meanwhile, what do you think Edge Tumi Tumi S6 and S6 so far? Let me know in the comments.